So this is stage two in my IPA journey. It's probably a journey of 10,000 batches (hopefully not literally), so hopefully the batches continue to turn out good. Here's the details:
5.5 Gallons
10 lb 2-Row
1.2 lb Carahell
1.2 lb Golden Promise
Mashed 4.65 gallons at 152.
Sparged 3.5 gallons at 175.
(Came out short so I added a gallon of water after the boil).
Target OG: 1.063
Actual OG: 1.065
Final OG: 1.009
ABV: 7.3%
2oz CTZ for 60m
1oz CTZ for 30m
1oz Mount Hood for 5m
1oz Mount Hood at flameout
2oz Mount Hood for 7 days dry hop
White Labs WLB001 California Yeast Slurry
8oz Oak chips in secondary
Smooth like always. Gravity came in really high and amount of wort was low, so I added about 3/4 of a gallon of water. That seemed to fix the problem.
Update 7/7/12: Racked to secondary. FG was at 1.009. Really dry tasting so far. I added 2oz of Mt Hood and 8oz of American Oak Chips. Trying something new with the oak chips. I guess Vinny at Russian River uses a lot of oak chips in his IPA's, which I consider to set the standard currently, so it seems worthwhile to give a shot to. I'll let you know how it goes.
Taste Update 7/17/12: This is easily the worst beer I have ever made. The oak chips were smoked instead of plain and I didn't even think about that fact until I lifted the lid on the secondary bucket. I'm going to give this to a neighbor who thinks he might be able to do something with it. The picture at the left is probably a better name for this because this is what it tastes like!
I bet this one will be awesome. Like sitting around a campfire awesome!