Gentry breaks his book down into 6 main chapters, with an introductory chapter and a conclusion chapter. His primary premise in his work is that God gave wine/beer/alcohol to mankind as a blessing, and when used in moderation is not only biblically permissible, but biblically encouraged.
He demonstrates thorough exegesis with the texts used, both in Hebrew and in Greek studies. His use of context to explain passages and willingness to allow the text to speak for itself is refreshing when dealing with such a controversial topic. In addition to addressing the Bible Gentry also deals with other works on the subject of alcohol. His primary opponents are Stephen Reynolds and Jack Van Impe. Both men are quite opposed to the use of alcohol and are willing to not only misuse scripture to argue their point, but will even distort the authorial intent of the Bible and change God's Word! This is simply appalling to me.
Gentry is adept with his writing and this is a highly recommended book. I originally came across this book while reading Mark Driscoll's, The Radical Reformission: Reaching Out without Selling Out
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